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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Teenagers, Camped in the Valley

I am so very proud of our kids. As they've grieved the loss of their friend Tiffany Brown this week, they've shown amazing resilience.

Its so hard, you know, to confront death those first few times in adolescence. Along with the grief comes the stark realization that we aren't invincible, after all. The whole in our lives where our friend should be reminds us of the temporary nature of our own lives...one of the shocking truths that we live with everyday, and become accustomed to.

The stroll through the valley of death, whether a friend's death or that confrontation with our own, is a tough walk in any case, but made so much better with the companionship and support of our community. And that's what I'm so proud of in our kids, that as they've walked, they've helped and supported each other, and walked together through the valley.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Didn't want to hear it

This week I'm preaching on Mark 10:17-31, the story of a rich young man who comes to ask Jesus about how to inherit eternal life, and walks away disappointed. It's a classic story of not hearing what you want. there are some really interesting things in this short assage that wont be able to make it into the sermon, that I'd thought I'd note here, and then leave you with a question or two. First (and these might not make sense unless you've got the Bible close, or open this link for the text) notice that Jesus seems to have a little bit of a change in his attitude about the young man. At first, it seems like Jesus is suspicious of the fellow, but after his response about the law it says "Jesus looked at him, and loved him." Interesting, eh? Also, I think the response of the disciples is another key element. This dude had it made, or so it seems. He's been following the law, God has obviously blessed him with wealth...and then Jesus rips him? Notice that at the end of the story they are just as confused as the young man was. In their view, this guy was the real deal, the ideal religious man. When Jesus corrects him, he also corrects them. I wonder if he would do the same with our notions of righteousness...it seems that part of being a disciple is learning to see things and people the way Jesus does. How far along that project are we?

Finally, here's the question for you. The rich man comes to Jesus and walk away sad because he just hears something he had no interest in hearing...thought he would hear one thing and it turned out to be completely another. I can identify with that, and I wonder if you can, too. What about those times in your life that you thought you were going to hear one thing, but it turned out to be something totally different? Better or worse, if you've got a story, go ahead and share it. When have the tables been unsuspectingly turned on you?
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